Ministry and Support
For individuals experiencing addiction, brokenness, and hopelessness, our approach provides support tailored to the unique journeys of our residents. We create a safe environment where they can explore their struggles as we meet them where they are, help them heal from trauma, and empower them to overcome their past and look forward to a healthy, vibrant future rooted in scriptural principles.
Skill Development Opportunities
We offer practical skill development through our Restore Thrift on Main store, The Print Shop, or employment at local businesses. Residents can also participate in GED programs or attend classes to receive certifications for future employment opportunities.
Once a resident reaches Level 3 they are required to find full-time employment and begin paying $100 per week to SBFRC.
Our facility is a smoke and vaping free facility. Residents may purchase at their own expense gum or patches as an aid to help curb cravings.
Visits are Sundays 2-5 PM and require prior approval.